It’s the Ultimate Family Variety show! Join Magic Dave for an evening of entertainment as he bring his unique brand of controlled chaos to the stage. From giant balloons to mind reading Cheetahs, Dave brings you magic and fun for the whole family whether you’re young or just young at heart!
Not only this, but Dave has invited some of his favourite family entertainers to join him on stage for this epic show! With multiaward winning entertainers, BGT semi finalists, and international performers you’re bound to have the best time ever as these entertainers take to the stage to give you a show you’ll be talking about for months!

Upcoming Shows

Magic Dave has invited some of the best family entertainers in the country to join him on this tour! Our performers have appeared on TV, Radio, Holiday Parks, Festivals and pretty much in every venue possible and even worked all across the globe.
Each show is carefully crafted to ensure a wide variety of friends join us on stage so that each show has lots of fun different acts to entertain and delight your family!